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Silence is the space where all sound, light, senses and mind can manifest, appear and disappear. Without which nun of these phenomenons can be experienced.



Silence Retreat, is obviously about silence but what is silence really and where do we find it ?

It seams that silence is not the opposite of noise, rather it is its background. Like the canvas of a painting being the background and the place where all the different lines, shapes, colors and stories are being manifested.

silence is the space where all sound, light, senses and mind can manifest, appear and disappear. Without which nun of these phenomenons can be experienced.


To find it we can use a very simple ancient trick that immediately unveils the mystery. We turn our look inwardly, to the one who is looking. This is where transformation accrue. This is where our perception shifts, this is where the revolution begins.


Why is it silent and how do we know the deference between the silent background and the experiences which appear in it ?


It is silent because there is no movement in it, no vibration. It is prior to that.

Its purpose of being is accomplished by its presence alone, therefor there is no need in it of any kind, therefor no movement, only silent stillness.

While experiences are in constant movement and change the background is

unchanging, ever listening, ever present.


The beauty of it is that we don't have to spend so much energy anymore on trying to remove that which we consider a 'noise'.

Instead we start to experience ourselves as the silent space behind all.

As a result our daily life will be profoundly influenced by the forces of this space which are peace, fearlessness, contentment, trust in life and a simple joy and flow. And this is what the silent retreat is about.


In the retreat We will Integrate the simple and direct techniques of the “Voice Being” work. A basic principle of this work is that the knowledge of using the voice is a pure knowledge, we use it as soon as we come into this world, nobody taught us how to do it, we just know.

Using the voice in a particular way can allow us to tune in to that pure knowledge which is still very much alive in us.


We will spend 5 days in silent, Working with breath, voice, walks and meditation. we will bring ourselves gradually from sound into silence.


There will be time for commune and optional private talks about the work with Shai .




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